Marketing Planning Group

Why you need to own your marketing

  If you are a small business leader, odds are this question has crossed your mind: “Should I hire someone in-house for marketing or continue to seek outside help?” So many small business owners are afraid to hire marketing people internally. Where do you even start? And is there something wrong with keeping your marketing … Continued

The sunset view taken during a hike.

Walkabouts and Mindset Shifts

Sometimes the best way to get some thinking done is to put yourself in a position to NOT think. For me, one of the best ways to achieve this kind of clarity is to go on a walkabout. Just me and my pack and a loose plan of where I might sleep for the night … Continued

Two kids looking out the window.

Change Your Setting to Get a Fresh Perspective

Some time ago, in a driving snowstorm that dropped over a foot of fresh pow in our area and temperatures hovering in the -15° C range, I found myself wandering around in the woods, having an amazing conversation with Jeff Kinsey. Jeff invited me to work with him as part of his Backcountry Business Coaching … Continued

Jeff Kinsey wearing a kilt to hike and explore a peak.

Kilts in the Woods

Ever hike in the snow in a kilt? Jeff Kinsey has (witnessed by yours truly) and he claims it’s glorious. Jeff and I headed out with snowshoes in hand to explore a peak near our respective homes. This is not a formidable peak by any stretch of the imagination, but one which can be seen … Continued

Two brothers walking together.

Create Time for Others

One of the biggest gifts you can give to any person is slowing down and really having a thoughtful, present conversation with them. I was in Denver a few weeks ago with my parents who were in town for a short visit. It was really a pleasure to get to spend time with them since … Continued

Two people holding each other's hand.

Pay It Forward

Here’s a quick story about the power of creation. Some time ago, Sam Hoyt gave me a call. After catching up a bit, he shared with me the frustration he was experiencing around an opportunity to invest in himself to join a year-long coaching program. I had recently signed on to be one of 5 … Continued

A woman reviewing her checklist.

Turn Your To-Do List into a To-BE List

As you may have noticed, I have been investing a lot of my attention in how I BE and how that way of helping me create the world in which I exist. Everything starts with how one shows up at any given moment. Am I approaching this interaction from a place of fear? How have … Continued

A man sitting at the top of the mountain and raising his arm to celebrate.

Moving the Goalpost: Remember to Celebrate

“Transformation happens in the speaking of the transformation.” This was one of many takeaways from a coaching session last week. It’s been my experience that entrepreneurs and business leaders have a tendency to move the goalpost. Using a football metaphor, we get to the 5-yard line and then up the measure of success. “I am … Continued

Twins lying down near the window with one holding a book.

Combatting Impostor Syndrome: You Are Enough

I had the pleasure to help coach a friend this morning who is contemplating a career change. Like many of us, she expressed the concern that she might not be ready… that there is someplace she needs to “get to” before taking this next step in her career. (But here’s the truth: she IS ready. … Continued

A man standing in a wooden platform at shoreline.

The Power of Being Present

I love #movingmeetings. Though our get-together wasn’t an official “meeting” (and was long overdue), I’ll count the fun hike in the clouds with Jeff Kinsey last night as a moving meeting. See, Jeff is not only a good friend but a fantastic, intuitive #coach who helps people work through some of their toughest challenges to … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel