Grow your business through investment

The Power of Hub Pages

We’ve spoken before about the power of hub pages and continue to see the benefit for your business as valuable materials to support the KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST phases of your buyers’ journey. Focused on a single topic, hub pages become a foundational source for readers and potential clients, providing a bounty of information to … Continued

A person typing on a Macbook

3 Upgrades to Make Your Site Work Better

  From optimizing your calls to action to streamlining your navigation and providing immediate answers to critical questions, these enhancements can make a significant difference in your site’s effectiveness. Plus, discover how you can receive personalized recommendations to improve your site. Here are three, often overlooked upgrades from which most sites would benefit: 1. Add … Continued

The Void

Impermanence in Your Content Marketing

Lately, I’ve been pondering the idea of impermanence and how we have become a “throw-away” society. Everything from clothing to containers to content has become disposable. Use it once and toss it in the garbage. As a lifelong environmentalist and someone who tries to extend the lifespan and “value” of pretty much everything I use … Continued

six sticky notes on a board

Who Not How

If you knew you had 7 more years on earth, what would you do? 7 months? 7 days? You would probably try to maximize the time you could spend with those you love, doing things you love, creating something of lasting value, right? So why not try to rid yourself of the items on your … Continued

You Don’t Need Another Tool

Here’s some hard truth this morning: You don’t need another tool. Did you catch that? You. Don’t. Need. Another. Tool. Look, we all love dreaming about the success that will come from a new sales funnel platform, or an email automation tool, or some other new widget that promises to deliver results “in 30 days … Continued

Table set up for interview

Be A Maven

  Could lifting someone else up to help you thrive? I was chatting yesterday with a career coach who is trying to reach more people to help with career advancement. She’s active on LinkedIn, is starting to post to some other social platforms, and has a site, but isn’t getting the level of traction she … Continued

Man handing out a flier

Get creative with content distribution

I was riding bikes with a friend recently who has a coaching program. She’s SUPER talented and has a good (and growing) client and user base and is interested in reaching more people to help them become better bike riders so they can enjoy the sport even more. She has an event coming up in … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel