Get Better Engagement on LinkedIn

What are your top, LinkedIn tips? Clients ask about my activities on LinkedIn and what works best on the platform all the time and have done a LOT of learning about the channel over the last few years. Here are just a few LinkedIn tips I’ve picked up. Here are a few general tips: Get … Continued

Word of mouth isn’t a strategy

When asked about sales sources, most people respond with “word of mouth” as their top channel. And that’s often the lowest-hanging fruit for generating more revenue for your organization. But when I ask, “What are you doing to actively nurture these word-of-mouth opportunities,” I usually get blank stares. See, “word of mouth” is often seen … Continued

A photo taken of the speakers from Beast X event.

Up Your LinkedIn Game: Notes from Denver’s Beast X Event

A hail storm, traffic jam, and impossible-to-find parking conspired last night to try to keep me away from Travis Lachner‘s BEAST X event and all failed. I am SO glad I made it. A wonderful group of LinkedIn enthusiasts and influencers were there. We got to hear thoughts on fearless creating and being ok with … Continued

I had the pleasure of working with small business owners in a Marketing Quickstart series put together by the Boulder Small Business Development Center.

Teach to become an expert – SBDC Marketing Quickstart

Recently, a reminder came up in my social feed. I was reminded that last year, I had the pleasure of working with Suzi Bahnsen, Rachel Garcia, and a crew of eager #smallbusiness owners in a #Marketing Quickstart series put together by the Boulder Small Business Development Center. That engagement was rewarding and inspiring as I … Continued

A woman using her phone for social media

The Connecting Power of Comments

Want to give someone a real boost on social media? Get real with your interaction/engagement. Views and likes are nice but what can really help someone out is a heartfelt comment. Not only does taking the time to post a comment help with most social algorithms (from what we know about how they work), it … Continued

Free Kittens

Free kittens. . . . . . Sometimes brevity produces the best results. Are you over-thinking how you present what you are selling? Copywriters and marketers love coming up with clever copy. But sometimes, you just need to cut to the chase. Clear messaging is often way more effective than clever messaging. How can you … Continued

Two men leaning in and engaging in a conversation

Lean in to difficult conversations

Difficult conversations are… Well, difficult. But dancing around the elephant in the room doesn’t make it go away. Yesterday, I was approached by a client with a humdinger of a challenge. They’d been working on a site with another vendor for a year. A deadline was looming and there were still a LOT of problems … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel