Cute tiny little robots are working in a futuristic soap factory

Use AI for Ideation, Not Full-cloth Content Creation

I came here to rant a bit about AI-generated content and now I see that LinkedIn is offering the opportunity to author posts using AI. This is really getting a bit out of hand. I do not believe it’s in anyone’s best interest to generate a boat-load of inauthentic content just for the sake of … Continued

A person working at a white table with a laptop, notebook, and coffee.

The Best Way to Use AI to Create Content

The decline of search engine performance is real. The influx of AI-generated content is flooding the web with new material – much of it lacking a lot of value for real users. And the search engines are having a tough time keeping up. This is why we believe strongly that one should leverage AI as … Continued

A hand holding up a clear, unlit light bulb against a sky background.

Save Time and Money with this AI Marketing Tool

After much hard work, Bret finished our first release of our new, marketing tool, the Online Brand Manager. If you are looking for ways to improve your marketing, get new ideas for growing your business, and save yourself and your team a lot of time, check this out. It’s a marketing ideation tool that speeds … Continued

AI robots inspecting boxes

Content Creation in the World of AI

I had an interesting conversation yesterday about content creation – especially in the realm of AI. Here are my thoughts: I think we are going to see a surge of pretty mediocre content to start (given how many are going to abuse AI). Once the search engines start to see time on site and bounce metrics … Continued

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