How to NOT Be Happy

Finding happiness can be tough. So why not go the other direction? Here’s a step-by-step on how to be miserable. (It’s kinda genius.)

A motion-blurred runner outdoors, emphasizing speed and fitness training.

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Goalsetting and Commitment

In 2010, I ran the Leadville 100, finishing in just under 25 hours (24:42:40.9 to be precise). This was a multi-year journey that started in 2006 when I decided to take up the challenge of finishing a 100-mile running race. Some might say that this goal was fairly misguided. When I first decided to give … Continued

A skier in bright red and yellow attire skiing down a snowy slope.

Seek Out Joy and You Will Find It

Last year, I started a new challenge: to select one new habit to form every quarter. I’ve found that it takes 90 days of concerted attention to form a new habit, and I have had pretty solid success with this practice. This quarter, I have been focusing attention on growing my joy and sparking joy … Continued

A skier in mid-action, wearing a yellow jacket and black pants, soaring through the air during a jump.

Find Your Zone of Genius

Recently, I was on a call with Clark Vautier. We were supposed to be talking about business stuff but, as often occurs while talking with Clark, our conversation devolved into our mutual love of climbing mountains, outdoor adventures, and, well… LIFE. We are aligned on the idea that one’s business should fuel *living* and when … Continued

Man wearing a hat and green shirt doing rock climbing.

To Get Great at Anything, You Have to Commit

I remember when I first started climbing. At the time, I was a fairly accomplished, sponsored road and mountain cyclist and worked at a catalog company that sold high-end bike stuff. My days were COMPLETELY taken up by all things bike. I rode to work. Thought about, talked about, wrote about, and designed ads and … Continued

Stu Swineford carrying his skis in the wind. Photo by Johnny Copp.

Stay in Your Zone of Genius

Recently, I was on a call with Clark Vautier, and we were supposed to be talking about business stuff. As often occurs in talking with Clark, however, our conversation devolved into our mutual love of climbing mountains, outdoor adventures, and, well… LIFE. We are aligned on the idea that one’s business should fuel living and … Continued

A top-down view of a white cup of coffee placed on an open planner with a monthly calendar layout for November.

Missing Your Goals Isn’t Failure

There’s a saying in skiing… If you aren’t falling down once in awhile, you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough. The same holds true in pretty much every part of your life. If you are achieving all your goals, you’re not aiming high enough. Growth happens when we fall. And missing your goals isn’t “failure”. It’s … Continued

Two individuals collaborating and organizing sticky notes on a glass wall for brainstorming or planning purposes.

Don’t Hide Your Demo Behind a Paywall

Tip to SAAS marketing teams: If you offer to let people view a video demo’ing your service but require them to share their email address or sign up for something before doing so, you may be missing some opportunities. Look, if your service is valuable, you shouldn’t hide it behind what is effectively a paywall. … Continued

A group of people participating in a tug of war game on a grassy field, showcasing teamwork and competition.

Playing to Win

Are you playing to win, or to “not lose”? That was part of a recent conversation with Jeff Kinsey (seems like we ALWAYS have fun, deep discussions – LOVE that about my relationship with Jeff!). There’s certainly a difference between going for it and playing defense. Sure, the outcomes may be the same, but the approach is WAY … Continued

You’ll Never Be Here Again

Have you ever considered that you can never be “here” again? We are all, collectively and individually… hurtling through space. And we will never be “here” again. Even if you zoom into a time and place and think, “It’s ok. I can come back here again someday,” you really can not. See, you will be … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel