People sitting on a chair and having a meeting

The Return-to-Office Movement

There’s quite a bit of buzz about RTO (Return-to-Office) and remote working on LinkedIn lately. I also seem to be inundated with advertisements for private air travel. Not sure what’s going on with all of that. Clearly, the algorithm doesn’t know me very well. But I digress. I’m all for remote working, where it’s feasible … Continued

Connection and trust - hands gripping each other

Honesty Matters: Don’t build relationships on lies

I just received an email from a company claiming to work with Neil Patel suggesting they could produce “just as many leads” as they create for his business. C’mon, guys. I get it. Getting your foot in the door can be a challenge. But let’s not build a relationship on complete BS. When you promise to get … Continued

Hourglass - overcoming objections for time

Creating Time

What if you could create time? Actually manufacture more time out of thin air? It’s an interesting concept – especially given the relationship most of us have with time. Lately, I’ve been changing my relationship with time through a variety of experiments. It’s a work in progress since even the concept of time is abstract, … Continued

Two kids looking out the window.

Change Your Setting to Get a Fresh Perspective

Some time ago, in a driving snowstorm that dropped over a foot of fresh pow in our area and temperatures hovering in the -15° C range, I found myself wandering around in the woods, having an amazing conversation with Jeff Kinsey. Jeff invited me to work with him as part of his Backcountry Business Coaching … Continued

Two brothers walking together.

Create Time for Others

One of the biggest gifts you can give to any person is slowing down and really having a thoughtful, present conversation with them. I was in Denver a few weeks ago with my parents who were in town for a short visit. It was really a pleasure to get to spend time with them since … Continued

Two people holding each other's hand.

Pay It Forward

Here’s a quick story about the power of creation. Some time ago, Sam Hoyt gave me a call. After catching up a bit, he shared with me the frustration he was experiencing around an opportunity to invest in himself to join a year-long coaching program. I had recently signed on to be one of 5 … Continued

A woman typing on her computer.

Why RFPs May Not Be Your Best Option When Selecting a Partner

Is your organization still sending out RFPs? Here’s a response I gave to an organization requesting that we participate in their RFP process when they inquired why we hadn’t responded: “Typically, we don’t respond to RFPs. At Relish, we believe that good partnerships begin with good relationships. Since RFPs, by their very nature, are requesting … Continued

Reframing Your Perspective: A Positivity Experiment

Throughout my life, I’ve been told that the formula for success was “hard work”. See, I come from a background where hard work was celebrated as was the grind. Life, as explained to me by my parents and their parents (and I can only assume influenced by THEIR parents and so on), is a struggle. … Continued

Two gentlemen with their hands on the desk.

Perspective Switches: Money and Value

I had the great pleasure of taking a walk in the woods than having dinner with Clayton Olson the other night. (Next time’s on me, amigo!) We shared a fantastic, deep conversation on a wide range of topics. Many moments stand out but one was particularly great and I thought I’d share it with you … Continued

A woman sitting on top of the hill looking over the majestic mountain view.

Struggle is Part of the Process: Embracing Coaching

My buddy (and amazing coach), Jeff Kinsey, and I had dinner last night atop a pile of rocks in the woods. We had a glorious view of the Indian Peaks range, west of where we live along Colorado’s Front Range. I always enjoy my time with Jeff because he is not only a great listener … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel