Get Better Engagement on LinkedIn

What are your top, LinkedIn tips?

Clients ask about my activities on LinkedIn and what works best on the platform all the time and have done a LOT of learning about the channel over the last few years. Here are just a few LinkedIn tips I’ve picked up.

Here are a few general tips:

  • Get consistent with providing valuable content on the channel AND engaging with others – particularly those you are trying to attract.
  • When engaging, don’t just hit “Like” or say, “Congrats!” but try to add to the conversation. Ask questions, answer questions, and provide substantive value.
  • When you are posting, try to engage with others in the 15 minutes before and directly following your post going live.

Regarding outreach:

  • Sales Navigator can be really helpful. It allows you to research people with whom to interact; build lists that can alert you when targets post, change jobs, etc.; and is probably worth the $0-100/month investment – if only to build some lists. I say $0-100 since they are always offering deals to join and often run “$0 for the first month” offers. You can also join cancel and rejoin, so it’s a bit of a handy weapon.
  • I recommend not just doing bulk campaigns to connect with targets but to find people to follow, comment on their posts, send DMs, etc. before you ask them to connect. Try to build rapport and drive value first.
  • There may be some active groups you can join and into which you can inject some value.

Other tips:

  • Follow some hashtags that make sense for your industry.
  • Use hashtags sparingly. I’d recommend no more than 5 and have 2 to 3 of these be fairly heavily followed/used. And try not to “goose” the hashes.
  • Make them relevant to your posts.
  • Follow A N D Y F O O T E, LIAM DARMODYᵍᵐ or other hashtag #linkedinstrategists for some great LinkedIn advice and tips. Also, consider joining a group that focuses on hashtag #advancedlinkedin tactics. I am part of Andy’s hashtag #optimablue program and it’s SUPER helpful. Let me know if you would like an introduction.

Let me know if this was helpful by dropping us a line!