3 Upgrades to Make Your Site Work Better


A person typing on a Macbook

From optimizing your calls to action to streamlining your navigation and providing immediate answers to critical questions, these enhancements can make a significant difference in your site’s effectiveness.

Plus, discover how you can receive personalized recommendations to improve your site. Here are three, often overlooked upgrades from which most sites would benefit:

1. Add a call to action: Most sites make the assumption that people will just *know* what you want them to do next. Take the mystery out of your ask and make it easy for people to take the next step with strong, value-centered calls to action. Answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” and lead people to take that action.

2. Focus on what’s MOST important: Strip out secondary and unimportant destinations from your main navigation to keep people focused on the content that matters most. If they REALLY want to know more about your team, they’ll find it in the footer navigation.

3. Answer these questions immediately: “What is this?” “Who is it for?” and “How does it make their life better?” Most people will give you 7-10 seconds to answer those questions. If they aren’t satisfied with the answers, they’ll bounce.

Would you like for me to take a peek at your site and offer 3 recommendations to make it work more effectively? Let us know by dropping us a line.