Set Realistic Goals and Objectives for Your Small Business

Welcome back to our Small Businesses Marketing Guide! In this section, we’ll talk about setting realistic goals and objectives, an important step in creating a successful marketing strategy. Setting goals and objectives helps you define what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts, and provides a roadmap for how to get there. Here are … Continued

Craft a Compelling Value Proposition for Your Small Business

Welcome back to our Small Businesses Marketing Guide! In this section, we’ll talk about crafting your value proposition, a key component of your marketing message that communicates the unique value you provide to your customers. Your value proposition should answer the question, “Why should I choose your business over your competitors?” It should be a … Continued

Stand Out from the Competition: Identifying Your Competitive Advantage

  Welcome back to our Small Businesses Marketing Guide! In this section, we’ll talk about identifying your competitive advantage, a key factor in standing out from your competition and attracting customers. Your competitive advantage is what sets you apart from other businesses in your industry and makes you the preferred choice for your target audience. … Continued

Create Effective Buyer Personas for Your Small Business

  Welcome back to our Small Businesses Marketing Guide! In this section, we’ll talk about creating buyer personas, a crucial step in understanding your target audience and crafting effective marketing messages. Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, based on real data and insights from market research. They help you better understand your … Continued

Market Research Primer: A Guide for Small Businesses

Welcome to the conducting market research part of our Small Businesses Marketing Guide! In this section, we’ll talk about the importance of conducting market research and how it can help you better understand your target audience and develop effective marketing strategies. When it comes to marketing your products or services, one size does not fit … Continued

Goalsetting: Stacking the ROI

How do you set goals? Here’s a great tip I got from Jason Van Orden this afternoon on a call he was hosting: set yourself up for compounded success by “Stacking the ROI”. See, most of us think of only one goal or measure of success when we embark on an endeavor. We think of getting x … Continued

Paper inserted into the typewriter that has send an email words on it.

The Trouble with Cold Email

I had someone get upset with me the other day. They sent me a cold email to which I didn’t respond. The service they provide wasn’t anywhere close to anything I might have needed. It was clearly just spam, so I ignored it. And, apparently, that didn’t sit well with them. I found that approach … Continued

Hammer laying on a wooden platform.

Always Be Learning: Three New Approaches to Marketing

How frequently do you shake things up in your business to explore new techniques, systems, or processes? At Relish, one of our Core Values is “Always Be Learning.” We put this tenant into practice whenever possible to ensure that we’re on top of the latest opportunities for our clients. Here are a few new things … Continued

Jeff Kinsey wearing a kilt to hike and explore a peak.

Kilts in the Woods

Ever hike in the snow in a kilt? Jeff Kinsey has (witnessed by yours truly) and he claims it’s glorious. Jeff and I headed out with snowshoes in hand to explore a peak near our respective homes. This is not a formidable peak by any stretch of the imagination, but one which can be seen … Continued

A woman reviewing her checklist.

Turn Your To-Do List into a To-BE List

As you may have noticed, I have been investing a lot of my attention in how I BE and how that way of helping me create the world in which I exist. Everything starts with how one shows up at any given moment. Am I approaching this interaction from a place of fear? How have … Continued

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