Woman holding globe

With your powers combined! The effectiveness of proximity targeting

Are you finding your ideal stakeholders challenging to reach?  You know you do your best work with a certain segment of the population but man, they’re not easy to get in front of. Have you considered a different approach?  I was talking with a nonprofit leader the other day about this exact challenge. They were … Continued

Fencer putting on helmet

Be Authentic with Your Outreach

Research and authenticity are important. I’d be lying if I said I have never screwed this up, but recently, I have been getting hammered by people who simply haven’t done ANY research into who I am, what I do, and what challenges I might be facing and are approaching relationship-building from an inauthentic place. I … Continued

Man brainstorming ideas

Ideas for Engagement When Times are Tough

Here’s the reality of current nonprofit revenues… they are lagging. We hear this all the time from our friends in the nonprofit world (and, sadly, many for-profit partners as well). But here’s the deal: People still want to help. We all get a LOT out of being philanthropic. It helps us feel connected. And powerful. … Continued

Man running on track

Check Your Habits to Live Your Best Life

What habits are getting in the way of your pathway to success? I certainly have my list: Too much screen time, postponing launch to achieve some unreachable “perfection”, thinking I can actually effectively multi-task. E. T. C. This article popped up recently that featured many of the items listed above (and a few more that … Continued

Numbers, planning, and a laptop

Manage the Numbers

There are always opportunities to look at the numbers or take the temperature of what’s going on and get really down. Why aren’t things going the other direction? Why don’t more people care about this? Why does this number make me feel so crappy? I get it. Sometimes things don’t seem to be moving the … Continued

Building a cairn out of rocks

Treat Yo Self – Create opportunities for small wins

I’ve started to give myself little pats on the back throughout the day. This started as an exercise recommended by my buddy, Aaron Wrixon (who is an amazing and talented writer so if you are looking for help getting your message dialed in, give him a shout). He starts every day by writing down 3-5 … Continued

Stu Swineford Skiing - Photo by Johnny Copp

How to get great at business: Practice your ass off

Running a business is a lot like skiing. If you want to excel, you have to practice, practice, practice. I used to telemark ski. A LOT. Eventually, I got pretty good at it. But it took a TON of dedication to get there. I had the distinct privilege of skiing – several times per week … Continued

Confused about which direction to go on the build vs. buy question? We have a ton of experience helping clients walk through the challenges of this conundrum.

Build or Buy? What’s the best route to create the tools you need?

To build or to buy, that is the question. ~ Not Shakespeare We get this question ALL the time. “Should I build an application or system to use for my business, or should I just find something off the shelf that we can make work.” The answer itself is relatively simple. “It depends.” There are … Continued

When to post to LinkedIn

How much is too much? How often to post to LinkedIn

“Could posting to LinkedIn multiple times per day actually hurt performance?” This was the question running through my mind earlier this week when I had a second idea of the day I wanted to share. So I reached out to a LinkedIn expert who, well… was reluctant to answer. Not because they weren’t sure, but … Continued

Typing and telling a story

How to tell your story

I thought my story was a snore. And with an upcoming guest appearance on a podcast looming, I was anxious. The host’s first question is always, “So, what’s your story?” Fortunately, I have a guide, the talented and helpful Townsend Wardlaw to help me figure things out. His first piece of wisdom: This is friggin’ … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel