Climber facing a difficult challenge

I Am Alone: Dealing with Feelings of Solitude

“I am alone.” Have you ever had that thought? Many of us (particularly those of us who have made a life out of getting shit done) have a hard time asking for and receiving help. We have the notion that we are the only people who can get {insert task name here} accomplished “correctly” and … Continued

Man painting the wood fence.

Create Your Own Experience

This morning, I woke up with an uncomfortable feeling. Everything was showing up to me as a hassle. Like I was being put upon to take care of the world. See, “being responsible” is one of my defaults. Throughout my life, I have felt burdened with responsibility for everything. From tasks to others’ feelings… everything … Continued

The sunset view taken during a hike.

Walkabouts and Mindset Shifts

Sometimes the best way to get some thinking done is to put yourself in a position to NOT think. For me, one of the best ways to achieve this kind of clarity is to go on a walkabout. Just me and my pack and a loose plan of where I might sleep for the night … Continued

Two kids looking out the window.

Change Your Setting to Get a Fresh Perspective

Some time ago, in a driving snowstorm that dropped over a foot of fresh pow in our area and temperatures hovering in the -15° C range, I found myself wandering around in the woods, having an amazing conversation with Jeff Kinsey. Jeff invited me to work with him as part of his Backcountry Business Coaching … Continued

Two brothers walking together.

Create Time for Others

One of the biggest gifts you can give to any person is slowing down and really having a thoughtful, present conversation with them. I was in Denver a few weeks ago with my parents who were in town for a short visit. It was really a pleasure to get to spend time with them since … Continued

Two people holding each other's hand.

Pay It Forward

Here’s a quick story about the power of creation. Some time ago, Sam Hoyt gave me a call. After catching up a bit, he shared with me the frustration he was experiencing around an opportunity to invest in himself to join a year-long coaching program. I had recently signed on to be one of 5 … Continued

A woman reviewing her checklist.

Turn Your To-Do List into a To-BE List

As you may have noticed, I have been investing a lot of my attention in how I BE and how that way of helping me create the world in which I exist. Everything starts with how one shows up at any given moment. Am I approaching this interaction from a place of fear? How have … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel