A person typing on a laptop

How to Improve Your Site Speed

Looking for a quick marketing win this week? Improve your WordPress site’s performance. Site load time has become one of the key metrics search engines (*cough* Google) use to rank sites in the search results. You can check your performance metrics by opening Chrome, loading an incognito tab (Command+Shift+N on a Mac), browsing your site, … Continued

AI Robot

AI for SEO: ChatGPT is your co-pilot

How is #AI going to change #SEO? I’m sitting in on a great discussion about SEO hosted by WP Engine with John Hessinger, Steffan Kasula, Carmen Domínguez, and Benjamin Rojas. A few takeaways… AI is a tool. It’s not going to produce “final” content that will produce great outcomes if you try using it that way (check out discussions about #EEAT for more). AI will help … Continued

I had the pleasure of working with small business owners in a Marketing Quickstart series put together by the Boulder Small Business Development Center.

Teach to become an expert – SBDC Marketing Quickstart

Recently, a reminder came up in my social feed. I was reminded that last year, I had the pleasure of working with Suzi Bahnsen, Rachel Garcia, and a crew of eager #smallbusiness owners in a #Marketing Quickstart series put together by the Boulder Small Business Development Center. That engagement was rewarding and inspiring as I … Continued

LinkedIn logo on a bike

Change your LinkedIn URL

Did you know you can change your LinkedIn URL? If you have a janky URL on LinkedIn, you can look for opportunities to make it much more user-friendly with these, easy steps: Click the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage Click “View Profile” On your profile page, click “Edit public profile and … Continued

calendar on paper

Embracing the 4-Day Work Week

I’ve been experimenting with the concept of the #fourdayworkweek over the past several months and definitely have not yet nailed it. Working “all the time” is one of the curses of #entrepreneurlife but I have been giving the 4-day work week a whirl. It started with an attitude shift and some intentionality around scheduling. The … Continued

Structured Data: Speaking the Language of SEO

Structured Data: Speaking the Language of SEO

In the world of search engines and Google, where your website ranks and how it displays can have a huge impact on the incoming traffic volume for your site. The average click-through rate for the first Google desktop search results is 32 percent. And for mobile sites, the click-through rate for the top-ranking search result … Continued

Frustrated man

Ever-evolving SEO

I was chatting with an acquaintance yesterday about SEO. He expressed some concern (or consternation) about how to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms of the engines. I explained our philosophy around search in this way. “The search engines are always going to change the way they behave. People mostly don’t. They just want valuable … Continued

Baseball Coach

The Field of Dreams Fallacy

Remember The Field of Dreams? This 1989 fantasy movie featured an Iowa corn farmer who heard voices in his head telling him to construct a baseball stadium. He obliged and the players banned for cheating in the 1919 World Series showed up to play. It’s been a while since I have seen the film but … Continued

Infinite Jest Book

What’s the Right Amount of Content?

We get this question all the time: “What’s the right amount of content for my web pages?” The short answer is, “The right amount.” But before you punch me in the face for that pithy answer, hear me out… Our best recommendation is always write for your audience. Create powerful, thoughtful, informative materials and you … Continued

Local Search Results examples

SEO Tips: Three Things You Can Do Today to Kickstart Your Traffic

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a challenge. Particularly if you are in a competitive market. But there are some quick adjustments you can make TODAY that will help improve your rankings and traffic opportunities. 1. Set up Google My Business Google is still the proverbial elephant in the room when it comes to search … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel