RTNP 62 | Amazon Product Launch

Episode 62: How To Successfully Launch A Product On Amazon With Luke Tierney Of Eco D2c

  I don’t think it’s news that Amazon dominates the online selling game, both here in the United States and around the world. You don’t get to be a $1.75T—yes, that’s trillions of dollars—by slacking. In any case, if you’re launching a consumer product, a little knowledge about how to market it on Amazon can … Continued

RTNP 54 | Running A Sweepstake

Episode 54: Running A Sweepstake To Engage Donors With Annie Tukman From TapKat

Have you ever thought about generating donations by hosting a sweepstake? (Yes, “sweepstakes” means more than one. ��� This week we are talking to Annie Tukman, the Sales Director at TapKat, a platform that runs online sweepstakes for nonprofit organizations. Sweepstakes are great for an organization because they help gamify the donation process. This can … Continued

RTNP 50 | Marketing Communications

Episode 50: Creating Success At The Intersection Between Marketing And Communications With Ashley Desrosiers And John Russo From Seaside Sustainability

  If you’re a long-time listener, you may remember when we talked with Eric Magers, the Executive Director of Seaside Sustainability a few months ago. At the time we had a great discussion about Seaside’s unique perspective around stakeholder engagement to drive their mission. There was SO much good information in that episode, but we … Continued

RTNP 47 | Franchise Ownership

Episode 47: How Franchise Ownership Can Fund Aspirational and Philanthropic Dreams with David Weaver from Franchoice

  Here’s an episode that is a little off the beaten track. Today I talked with David Weaver, a representative of Franchoice, a for-profit company that helps people buy franchises. I wanted to have David on because he provides a unique perspective on the opportunities that business or franchise ownership can provide. He’s been around … Continued

RTNP 44 | Marketing And Communication

Episode 44: Creating a compelling story through marketing and communication with Mark Eller from Leave No Trace

  Here at Relish we try hard to adopt sustainable practices, recycle, and reuse as best we can. Generally speaking, we do our best to minimize the impact we have on the planet. I bring it up because I had a fun conversation today with Mark Eller, the Memberships, Major Gifts, and Foundations Director at … Continued

RTNP 41 | Common Connections

Episode 41: Finding Common Connections To Build Stronger Relationships With Tim Kugler from Gunnison Valley Trails Association

  Fabulous episode today with Tim Kugler, the Executive Director of Gunnison Valley Trails Association. This show made me think about relationships and how quickly they develop when you look for common ground. You see, Tim and I have quite a bit of overlap. I grew up in Gunnison, where Tim’s organization is based, and … Continued

RTNP 34 | Meaningful Relationships

Episode 34: Creating meaningful relationships with Elaine Brewer from the Humble Warrior

  Good marketing is all about relationship-building, isn’t it? On today’s episode, I had the opportunity to talk to Elaine Brewer, one of the founders of Humble Warrior Wellness Center, who reminded me that’s exactly what marketing is about. The Wellness Center helps veterans and first responders with their mental and physical health, by offering … Continued


What’s Your Call To Action?: The Good, The Bad, The Absurd (And why those can really work)

All marketing materials are designed for one thing. To get your customers to take action. Whether that’s as simple as presenting a link on which to click or more complex like convincing someone to purchase an expensive product or service – your marketing won’t amount to anything unless your customers take the next step. The … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel