Connected Lego pieces

Persona Development Tip

It’s probably a disservice that persona development usually starts with demographics (and, unfortunately for many, ends there as well). You are spot on that more needs to be explored to create a persona/avatar that is actually helpful for your organization. Here’s what I would recommend for everyone working to try to gain some insights into … Continued

Done is better than perfect tiles

Done Is Better Than Perfect

Here’s today’s #mindset shift on which you can take action NOW. Stop worrying about getting things “right”. I’m sure you have heard the saying, “Done is better than perfect.” In today’s world, change is inevitable, so (even if “perfection” was attainable, which it really isn’t), after you have taken the time to get to something … Continued

A photo taken of the speakers from Beast X event.

Up Your LinkedIn Game: Notes from Denver’s Beast X Event

A hail storm, traffic jam, and impossible-to-find parking conspired last night to try to keep me away from Travis Lachner‘s BEAST X event and all failed. I am SO glad I made it. A wonderful group of LinkedIn enthusiasts and influencers were there. We got to hear thoughts on fearless creating and being ok with … Continued

man using an angle grinder

What’s the Best Tool? The One You USE

“What’s the best [insert tool name here] to use?” I get that question a lot, and a recent discussion with Aaron Wrixon brought the idea back to top-of-mind for me. People LOVE tools and are always on the lookout for the next best thing when it comes to managing projects (#pm), content (#crm), and client … Continued

Fork in road sign

Mindset Shifts: Embrace Change

Over the next several days, I will post 1 BIG mindset shift you can make to improve your life (business AND personal). These will all be quick, actionable changes you can make TODAY that will help you level up in one way or another. How do I know? Because they have worked for me (and … Continued

Hammer laying on a wooden platform.

Always Be Learning: Three New Approaches to Marketing

How frequently do you shake things up in your business to explore new techniques, systems, or processes? At Relish, one of our Core Values is “Always Be Learning.” We put this tenant into practice whenever possible to ensure that we’re on top of the latest opportunities for our clients. Here are a few new things … Continued

Jeff Kinsey wearing a kilt to hike and explore a peak.

Kilts in the Woods

Ever hike in the snow in a kilt? Jeff Kinsey has (witnessed by yours truly) and he claims it’s glorious. Jeff and I headed out with snowshoes in hand to explore a peak near our respective homes. This is not a formidable peak by any stretch of the imagination, but one which can be seen … Continued

A man sitting at the top of the mountain and raising his arm to celebrate.

Moving the Goalpost: Remember to Celebrate

“Transformation happens in the speaking of the transformation.” This was one of many takeaways from a coaching session last week. It’s been my experience that entrepreneurs and business leaders have a tendency to move the goalpost. Using a football metaphor, we get to the 5-yard line and then up the measure of success. “I am … Continued

Twins lying down near the window with one holding a book.

Combatting Impostor Syndrome: You Are Enough

I had the pleasure to help coach a friend this morning who is contemplating a career change. Like many of us, she expressed the concern that she might not be ready… that there is someplace she needs to “get to” before taking this next step in her career. (But here’s the truth: she IS ready. … Continued

Two gentlemen with their hands on the desk.

Perspective Switches: Money and Value

I had the great pleasure of taking a walk in the woods than having dinner with Clayton Olson the other night. (Next time’s on me, amigo!) We shared a fantastic, deep conversation on a wide range of topics. Many moments stand out but one was particularly great and I thought I’d share it with you … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel