Don’t Forget the People: Persona Development Helps Target Your Organization’s Outreach

Let’s face it, plenty of businesses get by just winging it when it comes to strategy. If you really want your organization to take off, it’s probably worth investing some time and effort working on your business. With limited time and resources, however, where should you start to really recognize the most bang for your … Continued

The “Supposed To” Trap

The “Supposed To” Trap

Are you using data to your advantage to make informed marketing decisions? Or are you marketing because you are “supposed to?” We recently engaged with a client whose site has decent traffic. They were paying to show ads to previous site visitors—retargeting—to try to get them to come back. Sounds pretty standard, right? Well, once … Continued

An empty road surrounded by trees with fog.

On a road to nowhere

Do you sometimes feel like you can never win—like no matter how hard you work, someone keeps moving the finish line? Growth-focused leaders often feel this way. As driven individuals, we tend to be overly critical about how things are going, or about the results that a certain project achieved. This is because aspirational people … Continued

A statue of a person with broken wing

Stakeholders Don’t Expect You To Be Perfect

We all strive for perfection. I think every one of us can remember spending hours in ideation, thinking of every “what if” scenario, focusing on the smallest and most trivial of things. But trying to achieve perfection isn’t in anyone’s best interest—not your stakeholders’, not yours. Real progress comes with consistent effort—perfect or not—that helps … Continued

A man recreating a frame using his hand.

Framing The “Donation Conversation”

Many nonprofits accept product donations to help fuel their mission. Donors love them. After all, what’s not to love about buying a gift for a kid in need, or off-loading a can or two of beans from the pantry? However, some organizations have built partnerships that enable them to stretch cash donations a LOT farther … Continued

A chess board with one bishop left standing.

Want better email engagement? Stick to one thing.

If you’re like us, you’ve sent a LOT of emails over the life of your business. From analyzing performance data, we’ve found a common element that helps increase email engagement: Keep it simple. A simple email tells ONE story or asks for only ONE thing. This gives a simple email tremendous value when compared to … Continued

A girl positioning herself to hit the bullseye with her arrow.

Marketing: Right message, right people, right time

Marketing has always been complicated. These days, however, it’s even more so. New channels, new features, new audience preferences, and all-new (sometimes lower) levels of audience participation… It’s no wonder if you feel frustrated with trying to get the word out about your organization. That’s why—when we’re working on a marketing and outreach plan with … Continued

Happy Data Analysts

A Game-Changing Tool for Your Website

If you’ve ever tried to make sense of Google Analytics, you’ll surely agree: It offers a lot of power, but it’s hard to harness that power unless you’re truly an expert. Chief among our complaints—and probably yours—is that Analytics lacks an intuitive, visual way to see how someone moves around your site. Microsoft saw an … Continued

Hands reaching for one another

What you can learn from a Canadian comedy troupe

Once upon a time in Canada, there was a brilliant sketch comedy show called The Kids in The Hall. Sometimes, when I need a break from the daily grind, I like to watch clips on YouTube. (If you’ve never seen KITH, do yourself a favor and get your head crushed.) Well, today when I was … Continued

Frustrated woman

Email is not dead

Have you given up on email as a mechanism to drive engagements? If so, you might want to rethink that approach. We know it can be frustrating to feel that you aren’t seeing any response to your emails. You feel like you are sending them out and nothing is happening. But it isn’t that email … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel