Our engaging content focuses on ways to attract your potential customers and entice them to learn more and take action. Great content is the cornerstone of successful marketing and is a cost-effective and impactful solution.

Hands reaching for one another

What you can learn from a Canadian comedy troupe

Once upon a time in Canada, there was a brilliant sketch comedy show called The Kids in The Hall. Sometimes, when I need a break from the daily grind, I like to watch clips on YouTube. (If you’ve never seen KITH, do yourself a favor and get your head crushed.) Well, today when I was … Continued

Red and blue arrow signs surrounded by trees.

Get Off Your Soapbox Already

One of the biggest problems with social media? The temptation to use tools like Facebook and Instagram—and yes, they really can be tools—as one-way platforms. Many organizations use them as a soapbox to talk to their audiences, not with them. It’s easy to take to your social media outreach and use it as a place … Continued

Frustrated woman

Email is not dead

Have you given up on email as a mechanism to drive engagements? If so, you might want to rethink that approach. We know it can be frustrating to feel that you aren’t seeing any response to your emails. You feel like you are sending them out and nothing is happening. But it isn’t that email … Continued

Lightning over city

Subject Lines – Strike Like a Bolt of Lightning

“I was struck by lightning.” Those were the first words my ex-girlfriend said to me when we ran into each other 20+ years after high school. She definitely had my attention. One. Hundred. Percent. See, that’s the power of a great headline. It hooks you in and leaves you begging for more. The best headlines … Continued

Father helping his child

Moving On Up…The Engagement Lifecycle

Here’s an interesting problem that can occur in the nonprofit space: you have a healthy volunteer list and engagement but not enough volunteer opportunities. Subsequently, you risk having this excited group of supporters losing enthusiasm for your organization. We recently had a great conversation with a nonprofit partner that ran into this snafu. They have … Continued

Open lock

Why’s The Lock Icon On My Site Open?

Whenever we are working with a nonprofit or business one of the first things that we look at when we are doing a site audit is whether or not you have an open or closed lock icon by your web address. It might seem trivial but this open or closed lock is a quick and … Continued

Microphone for podcast

So you want to start a podcast

Congratulations! You are embarking on an adventure that is certainly going to take you more time, and net you WAY less revenue than you could have ever expected. But it’s REALLY rewarding in other ways! When I started Relish This back in September 2020, I did so with the encouragement of Dean Jackson, host of … Continued

Fish swimming in ocean

Finding Nemo: Lessons on Where to Look for What You Want

Remember Finding Nemo? Much like in the movie, Marlin wasn’t going to find his son by staying close to home. He needed to go out to where Nemo was in order to reconnect. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea where he needed to go and had to discover clues along the way. For you … Continued

Jigsaw puzzle

5 Things Every Website Needs

Websites serve a variety of purposes. From working as a calling card that lets people know more about you and what your organization offers to a full-fledged information resource where you can establish credibility and provide information for people, to a working revenue center where you provide eCommerce and transactional functionality for your audience – … Continued

Piggy bank

Cover Your Acquisition Costs Through Recurring Donations

What’s your strategy to create ongoing engagements with donors? I recently had a great conversation with Tim Sarrantonio from Neon One during which he mentioned that nonprofit research data suggest that it typically costs $1.25 to bring in that first $1 in donations. That means that more work needs to be done to turn that … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel