RTNP 72 | Taking Action

Episode 72: Get Committed And Take Action With Mark Bergel

  If you have been listening to Relish THIS for a while, you have probably detected a theme: I’m a big fan of taking action. In fact, I ask each of my wonderful guests at the end of each episode what action they would like for you, dear listener, to take after our discussion. Well, … Continued

RTNP 70 | Paid Search

Episode 70: Leveraging Paid Search For Nonprofits With Kurt Filla

  Whether you run a nonprofit or for-profit organization, paid search is going to be one of the main marketing ecosystem pillars you should consider to get “instant on” traffic sources to your offerings. That being said, running a successful paid search campaign requires some planning and know-how to make sure you get the most … Continued

Episode 64: Hone Your Message To Reinforce The Work You Do With Stephanie And David From SJMA

  As you’re probably aware, I’m a big fan of protecting Colorado’s open spaces. You may know Relish is involved with 1% for the Planet, but I think it’s also of interest that I’ve chosen to live deep in the forest of Colorado’s Front Range. It’s fair to say environmental stewardship is engrained in what … Continued

RTNP 57 | Build Partnerships

Episode 57: How To Build Partnerships And Expand Your Mission With Mike Reichert From Wild Bear Nature Center

  On this week’s episode, I talked with Mike Reichert, the Director of Operations at Wild Bear Nature Center in Nederland, CO. Wild Bear Nature Center has an ambitious plan to educate people about nature by building a new facility down the street from where I live. (They’re currently running a big capital campaign to raise … Continued

RTNP 55 | Hard Times

Episode 55: Keeping Your Foot On The Gas Even Through The Hard Times With Angela Forster From Tiny Studio

Are you keeping your foot on the gas? This week I talked with Angela Forster, the co-founder of Tiny Studio. Angela and her business partner, Nancy Rice, have a women-owned business that does lots of work in the nonprofit sector. Since both of us are in the design world, our conversation naturally touched on design … Continued

RTNP 42 | Avenues Of Engagement

Episode 42: Creating Multiple Avenues of Engagement For Stakeholders With Mike Fye From Big Brothers Big Sisters

  Big Brothers Big Sisters has been around for over 100 years, and my guest today had a LOT of great history to share. Mike Fye is the Director of Corporate Sponsorships at BBBS Colorado. They are doing some fantastic things to mentor kids and help them navigate the world. Not only that, Mike understands … Continued

RTNP 41 | Common Connections

Episode 41: Finding Common Connections To Build Stronger Relationships With Tim Kugler from Gunnison Valley Trails Association

  Fabulous episode today with Tim Kugler, the Executive Director of Gunnison Valley Trails Association. This show made me think about relationships and how quickly they develop when you look for common ground. You see, Tim and I have quite a bit of overlap. I grew up in Gunnison, where Tim’s organization is based, and … Continued

RTNP 34 | Meaningful Relationships

Episode 34: Creating meaningful relationships with Elaine Brewer from the Humble Warrior

  Good marketing is all about relationship-building, isn’t it? On today’s episode, I had the opportunity to talk to Elaine Brewer, one of the founders of Humble Warrior Wellness Center, who reminded me that’s exactly what marketing is about. The Wellness Center helps veterans and first responders with their mental and physical health, by offering … Continued

Danielle Graczyk - Canine Inspired Change

Episode 29: Leverage and Utilize Your Team’s Collective Knowledge For Better Connections and Growth with Danielle Graczyk of Canine Inspired Change

  I find myself falling into the “easy” trap all the time. If I can do something easily, the thinking goes, it couldn’t possibly be worth anything, right? But what seems simple to me may actually be incredibly valuable to someone else who hasn’t been steeped in marketing for the past 30 years.  On today’s … Continued

RTNP 28 David | Building Trusting Relationships

Episode 28: Building Trusting Relationships With David Facunle Of Womb Work Productions

  At Relish Studio, we like to think of marketing as a relationship-building activity. And when you’re building a relationship, there’s no better way to slam the breaks on creating a bond than to ask too much too soon. Today’s guest is David Fakunle, the Executive Director of Womb Work Productions.  His organization is doing … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel