Stu on a mountain bike riding in the forest

Athletics and Business

  I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the intersection of passions and how we can leverage one set of experiences to positively affect another set of circumstances. Take the intersection of competitive athletics and business. In my time, I’ve been a competitive athlete in a number of disciplines: Road cycling, marathons, ultra-running, cross-country mountain … Continued

70 year old on a dirt bike in the mountains

Three Business Takeaways from My Dirt Bike Adventure

  Last weekend, I chased some fellas around the mountains near Crested Butte on dirt bikes for about 6 hours. I was definitely in over my head a bit at times and had an absolute blast. Here are three business takeaways from my decidedly non-business-ey adventure last weekend. 1. We couldn’t have done this alone. … Continued

Analytics assessment and problem solving as a team

A Better Approach to Problem Solving

How do you encourage your team to bring solutions to the table rather than simply bringing problems? I was recently introduced to the 1-3-1 approach and it is a winner. Instead of having your team present problems, ask them to change their approach. If they are experiencing a challenge or problem, ask them to present … Continued

A bitcoin in the back pocket of a pair of jeans.

You Get What You Pay For: Building a Lasting Team

I saw a post today for a full-time marketing job looking for 5+ years of experience, a college degree, etc. The starting salary was listed at $45-65K. This was an on-site position in a fairly “resort-ey” area in California. I did a little poking and the median rent in that area is roughly $3K with … Continued

Connection and trust - hands gripping each other

Honesty Matters: Don’t build relationships on lies

I just received an email from a company claiming to work with Neil Patel suggesting they could produce “just as many leads” as they create for his business. C’mon, guys. I get it. Getting your foot in the door can be a challenge. But let’s not build a relationship on complete BS. When you promise to get … Continued

Connected Lego pieces

Persona Development Tip

It’s probably a disservice that persona development usually starts with demographics (and, unfortunately for many, ends there as well). You are spot on that more needs to be explored to create a persona/avatar that is actually helpful for your organization. Here’s what I would recommend for everyone working to try to gain some insights into … Continued

Done is better than perfect tiles

Done Is Better Than Perfect

Here’s today’s #mindset shift on which you can take action NOW. Stop worrying about getting things “right”. I’m sure you have heard the saying, “Done is better than perfect.” In today’s world, change is inevitable, so (even if “perfection” was attainable, which it really isn’t), after you have taken the time to get to something … Continued

A photo taken of the speakers from Beast X event.

Up Your LinkedIn Game: Notes from Denver’s Beast X Event

A hail storm, traffic jam, and impossible-to-find parking conspired last night to try to keep me away from Travis Lachner‘s BEAST X event and all failed. I am SO glad I made it. A wonderful group of LinkedIn enthusiasts and influencers were there. We got to hear thoughts on fearless creating and being ok with … Continued

man using an angle grinder

What’s the Best Tool? The One You USE

“What’s the best [insert tool name here] to use?” I get that question a lot, and a recent discussion with Aaron Wrixon brought the idea back to top-of-mind for me. People LOVE tools and are always on the lookout for the next best thing when it comes to managing projects (#pm), content (#crm), and client … Continued

Fork in road sign

Mindset Shifts: Embrace Change

Over the next several days, I will post 1 BIG mindset shift you can make to improve your life (business AND personal). These will all be quick, actionable changes you can make TODAY that will help you level up in one way or another. How do I know? Because they have worked for me (and … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel