Microphone for podcast

So you want to start a podcast

Congratulations! You are embarking on an adventure that is certainly going to take you more time, and net you WAY less revenue than you could have ever expected. But it’s REALLY rewarding in other ways! When I started Relish This back in September 2020, I did so with the encouragement of Dean Jackson, host of … Continued

Man reading

Pro Tip: Get Your Case Studies Read

Here’s a great piece of advice you can put to practice TODAY from Donald Miller‘s treasure trove of great advice: Re-title your Case Studies. No one wants to read a “White Paper” or a “Case Study”. When creating materials like these to engage and illuminate your prospects and provide value to your audience, simply re-title … Continued

How a Paradigm Shift Can Help You to Convert Inbound Leads

Inbound marketing seems impractical to some people. We’re all so used to the traditional model in which you reach out to the customer and try to catch their eye. As a result, people have learned to associate outbound marketing methods with results. However, this is more a function of the fact that outbound marketing has … Continued

5 Inbound Marketing Tips/Tricks to Help You Go Beyond “Content Is King”

Who hasn’t heard the infamous “content is king” phrase ad nauseam? Yes, the concept may be true, but the idea has gotten watered down to a pithy slogan, with few companies or marketing professionals thinking too deeply about what it means when they use content. When you do dig deep, the importance of content will become … Continued

How Does Inbound Marketing Work: An Introduction

Ah, inbound marketing, the term is so ubiquitously used, you may feel like you already know all about it. But if you strip away the oft-repeated phrases like “content is king” or “delighting customers,” what do you have left? Let’s take a closer look at exactly how does inbound marketing work. A Definition According to … Continued

3 Tips to Ramp Up Your Inbound Marketing

Straight-forward, inexpensive and easily learned (not necessarily easy to implement, though), inbound marketing is everything your business has ever needed to attract and maintain a strong customer base. But where do you start? You could start with a blog, after all “content” is basically synonymous with “inbound,” or you could start hiring social media experts … Continued

4 Strategies for Developing a More Effective Website

Your website is more than just the facade or storefront for your business. In fact, today’s businesses are discovering that in some ways, an effective website is even more important than the physical appearance of your business. Customers often see your website before they see your storefront, and in fact, they may interact more with your website … Continued

5 Challenges of Content Marketing That You Can Overcome

Content marketing is gradually replacing traditional advertising. People have become better at tuning out advertisements and often pay to not see ads on their televisions. However, content marketing has its troubles too. There are several challenges of content marketing, such as posting good content regularly, increasing competition, having unrealistic expectations, going either too broad or too … Continued

Inbound Marketing Tips and Tricks to Build a Loyal Marketing Base

Online marketing continues to get more and more competitive.  No longer do salesman have to flip through the phone book and make cold calls to random clients.  Now marketing is exponentially more focused and sophisticated.  Still the old outbound marketing techniques of mass email and banner ads are failing.  New techniques of inbound marketing are now … Continued

9 Invaluable Website Tools to Help You Drive Conversions

Getting potential customers in and through your sales funnel is crucial to succeed in today’s business environment. Lead generation tactics allow you to capture the information of interested members within your targeted audience, while nurturing techniques guides those leads through the sales funnel and nudges them toward becoming customers. To inexperienced marketers, both of those … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel