Our engaging content focuses on ways to attract your potential customers and entice them to learn more and take action. Great content is the cornerstone of successful marketing and is a cost-effective and impactful solution.

Digital Marketing for your eCommerce Brand

Poor planning could result in being trapped on a broken bridge. Preparing a digital marketing plan for your eCommerce brand can be daunting. You need to create brand recognition AND drive sales, focus on speed to market, and keep ROI in check. It’s enough to make your head spin, though it doesn’t have to be … Continued

4 Ways Strike Up a Conversation using Twitter for Business

Are your tweets going unnoticed to your followers? You’re not alone. As a business owner crunched for time, running a successful social media campaign can be a challenge. Twitter’s value comes not merely in the number of followers you have, but by how engaged your followers are with your handle. Here are a few ideas … Continued

Mobile vs. Responsive Design: Strategies to keep your site relevant

There are many reasons to invest in a mobile-friendly website. Mobile search is soon to surpass that of desktops and Google’s new algorithm is going to penalize those whose sites don’t meet their mobile standards. Here’s a quick primer on Mobile vs. Responsive design to get your site performing across all platforms and device-types. What’s … Continued

Google’s Upcoming Mobile Site Update: What you need to know

Google recently announced that it will soon make big changes to its algorithm that elevates “mobile-friendliness” as a requirement for sites to perform well in its search rankings. What does this mean for business owners and webmasters? As part of the announcement, Google stated that starting April 21st, 2015, Google will not only start labeling … Continued

SEO Tips for Business Owners

SEO Strategy: Top SEO Myths Debunked Have you ever wondered what your company needs to do to dominate search rankings in your industry? In the increasingly competitive space of online marketing, one thing you can count on in regard to Search Engine Optimization is that the landscape is always in flux. In order to keep … Continued

The Professional Website: Tips for Success

4 Tips on Creating a Polished and Professional Website Do you want to capture new customers and, more importantly, keep them on your website? Having a professional and up-to-date website is critical for generating revenue and building your customer base. Adopt these 4 simple tips to ensure digital success: 1. Update Your Look. In today’s … Continued

Kids’ Website Points, Coupons, and Prizes Development

For the second year in a row, 5th Gear Kids worked with Relish Studio to develop the program’s website, one geared toward 5th-grade students in the Cherry Creek and Aurora, Colorado school districts. As a program for students, “5th Gear Kids was designed to provide greater access to physical activity and healthy eating opportunities, and … Continued

Content Goes Here

You’ve spent the last several months creating the world’s most fantastic website. Great design, sophisticated code, cutting-edge css, and a fancy content management system – your new website is a platform ready to offer up the most exciting and insightful bits of information known to man. Congratulations! Except… As every one of our clients has … Continued

Data Visualization in Mapping

At Relish, we love data visualization. I also have a personal affinity for linguistics and cultural differences between seeemingly similar population groups. (Probably my inner Sociology major showing through.) That’s why we spent quite a bit of time reviewing these interesting maps of the United States and how different ways of speaking are represented across … Continued

Aspect Ratio History in Film

An acquaintance once quipped, “Letterboxing is bogus. They just cut off the top and bottom of the screen so you can see less.” Clearly, this interpretation of the modern screen dimension process is incorrect. But how did we get to the wide-aspect of cinema today? Turns out the history behind how we evolved from the … Continued

Strategy Videos from the Relish YouTube Channel