Episode 41: Finding Common Connections To Build Stronger Relationships With Tim Kugler from Gunnison Valley Trails Association

  Fabulous episode today with Tim Kugler, the Executive Director of Gunnison Valley Trails Association. This show made me think about relationships and how quickly they develop when you look for common ground. You see, Tim and I have quite a bit of overlap. I grew up in Gunnison, where Tim’s organization is based, and … Continued

Episode 39: Develop Your Organization’s Culture To Further Your Mission With The Apollo Foundation

  Culture is an important ingredient in every business—and it’s an area that sometimes gets overlooked in the nonprofit space. After all, nonprofits are steeped in the culture of philanthropy and altruism, right? There’s more to creating a great culture than just assuming all of your stakeholders will be aligned because you give back. Today’s … Continued

Episode 33: Getting Creative With Ryan O’Donoghue From 1st Descents And Stoke Broker

  Today’s guest today is Ryan O’Donoghue, CEO of both the nonprofit First Descents and the for-profit company Stoke Broker. First Descents provides life-changing outdoor adventures for young adults impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions. Stoke Broker takes the wealth of expertise First Descents has developed over the past 20 years and applies … Continued

Episode 31: Want To Share Your Mission? Just Ask Your Stakeholders With Dave Elmore From Paradox Sports

  Are you missing opportunities to build relationships with your stakeholders? On today’s episode, I spoke with Dave Elmore, the Executive Director of Paradox Sports. Paradox exists to increase climbing access for those with disabilities, expanding access to adaptive climbing programs and national climbing trips nationwide. Paradox already does a great job with relationship-building and … Continued

Episode 25: Get Your Story Out There With Kate Williams From 1% For the Planet

  On this week’s episode, I’m proud to talk to one of my favorite people—Kate Williams, Executive Director of 1% for the Planet. 1% for the Planet, if you’re not familiar with the organization, calls itself “a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through memberships and everyday actions.” Their mantra—”everyone has … Continued

Marketing at Any Budget

Preparing a marketing budget can be tricky. There are certainly plenty of guidelines out there one can use as a starting point, but are they right for your business? What can you do when you need to make modifications? What’s actually achievable at any given budget? All of this can be quite daunting and even … Continued

Chat App Tips: Create Personal Connections with your Fans

Email newsletters and social media are a digital marketer’s bread and butter, but recently chat apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger have been getting increasingly popular for engaging with customers. Of the hundreds of messaging apps available, the leader, hands down (at least when this post was written), is WhatsApp with 1.5 billion monthly active … Continued