Episode 59: Manage And Fuel Your Organization’s Growth With Goodworld Co-founder Richie Kendall

My guest today is Richie Kendall, the co-founder of Goodworld, an AMAZING tech stack that helps organizations (both nonprofit and for-profit) manage and fuel their growth. Richie’s platform combines many great features in one platform, making it easier to coordinate your outreach for maximum effect. In my opinion, nonprofit organizations could especially benefit from using … Continued

Episode 54: Running A Sweepstake To Engage Donors With Annie Tukman From TapKat

Have you ever thought about generating donations by hosting a sweepstake? (Yes, “sweepstakes” means more than one. ��� This week we are talking to Annie Tukman, the Sales Director at TapKat, a platform that runs online sweepstakes for nonprofit organizations. Sweepstakes are great for an organization because they help gamify the donation process. This can … Continued

Episode 48: How to Run Your Organization Like a For-Profit with Sherry Manning from Global Seed Savers

  Profits or revenue… What’s your organization’s focus? If you can’t answer that question, perhaps you’ll enjoy this week’s episode of Relish This. I had a great, all-encompassing conversation with Sherry Manning, the US Executive Director of Global Seed Savers. They are a really cool organization that helps farmers stockpile and diversify their seed stock … Continued

Episode 46: Maintain Momentum, Build Your Audience, and Prevent Burnout Through Small Wins with Setsuko Hata Executive Director of We Are From The Earth

  In this week’s episode, I had a great conversation with Setsuko Hata, the Executive Director of We Are From the Earth. WAFTE is building a social media platform that helps people cultivate compassion and live a socially conscious lifestyle. Yes, you can connect with like-minded people there, but the platform is focused primarily on … Continued

Episode 41: Finding Common Connections To Build Stronger Relationships With Tim Kugler from Gunnison Valley Trails Association

  Fabulous episode today with Tim Kugler, the Executive Director of Gunnison Valley Trails Association. This show made me think about relationships and how quickly they develop when you look for common ground. You see, Tim and I have quite a bit of overlap. I grew up in Gunnison, where Tim’s organization is based, and … Continued