WordPress Website Design and Development

As one of Denver’s premier web design and development agencies, we’re committed to the balance between design and functionality on all levels. We call that purposeful design, or design with a purpose. In other words, we don’t just make “pretty.” We make “pretty” work for a living. And we don’t just build tanks—we build nice-looking tanks. So yes, we make beautiful websites. But we also consider usability. Page load speed. SEO. Mobile responsiveness. Scalability.

And it means that we implement content management systems, e-commerce platforms, interactive widgets, rich media, inbound lead funnels—whatever you could ask for—but that we don’t lose site of making the thing look good. By blending form and function, we’ve found it’s easier to elicit a positive response from your audience and help them do what they came to your site to do.

Throughout our design process, we keep the big picture in sharp focus, to ensure that your site will attract customers and clients—and then keep them there.

A few words about what we make

  • Websites that are easy for visitors to use
  • “Pathway-driven” web experiences that help users accomplish their goals—and yours
  • CMS-based solutions
  • Mobile-friendly, responsive websites
  • Inbound lead generation systems
  • Search engine optimized sites and ecommerce platforms

Featured Case Study

Stepping Up Stewardship

When Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado needed to build out a new, eCommerce website for their national volunteer stewardship program, they reached out to Relish to provide strategy, custom-design and development, and integration services. We helped build out a fresh, mobile-friendly design, integrate with CiviCore, and enable online transactions to enable the VOC to expand their reach outside of Colorado’s borders and improve outdoor stewardship and volunteer engagement. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you use WordPress and Duda for website development?

We chose WordPress and Duda for their versatility, user-friendliness, and robust features:

  • WordPress offers unparalleled flexibility, a vast plugin ecosystem, and is ideal for content-heavy sites.
  • Duda excels in speed, ease of use, and is particularly suited for local and multi-location businesses.

Both platforms allow for responsive design, SEO optimization, and easy content management, which are crucial for modern websites.

How long does it typically take to design and launch a new website?

The timeline for a new website can vary based on its complexity and your team’s responsiveness. Generally:

  • Simple websites: 4-6 weeks
  • Medium complexity: 8-12 weeks
  • Complex, custom sites: 12-16 weeks or more

We can provide a more accurate timeline after discussing your specific requirements and desired features.

How do you ensure our website aligns with our overall marketing strategy?

We view your website as a crucial component of your overall marketing strategy. To ensure alignment:

  • We start by understanding your business goals and target audience.
  • We incorporate your brand messaging and visual identity into the design.
  • We structure the site to support your sales funnel and customer journey (aligning with the Marketing Hourglass approach).
  • We integrate appropriate calls-to-action and lead generation tools.
  • We ensure the site supports your content marketing and SEO strategies.

Can you help with website maintenance after launch?

Absolutely. We offer ongoing website maintenance services to keep your site secure, up-to-date, and performing optimally. This includes:

  • Regular software and plugin updates
  • Security monitoring and backups
  • Performance optimization
  • Content updates and minor design changes
  • Technical support and troubleshooting

How do you incorporate SEO best practices in website design?

SEO is integral to our website design process. We incorporate best practices by:

  • Ensuring proper site structure and navigation
  • Optimizing page load speeds
  • Creating SEO-friendly URLs
  • Implementing proper heading structures (H1, H2, etc.)
  • Optimizing images with alt tags
  • Ensuring mobile responsiveness
  • Setting up proper meta titles and descriptions
  • Creating XML sitemaps

We also build the site with a content management system that allows for easy ongoing SEO optimization.