Two Alpha Gals

Solid marketing strategy provides the confidence to take a business to the next level.

Two Alpha Gals elevated their business by optimizing their site, increasing traffic, and boosting revenue through an enhanced marketing strategy.


Two Alpha Gals, an online resource for those living with Alpha-gal Syndrome, approached Relish Studio seeking advice on developing a marketing action plan and gaining a stronger understanding of opportunity gaps in their area of influence.

Alpha-gal Syndrome is a condition that results in an allergy to red meat and dairy products. A bite from the Lone Star Tick is most often the cause of Alpha-gal Syndrome cases within the United States, where the tick’s bite injects a sugar molecule known as Alpha-gal into a human’s bloodstream and triggers an allergic reaction to products that are derived from mammals. For many of those afflicted, Alpha-gal Syndrome is a lifelong condition.

Relish embarked on a Strategy FIRST engament with Two Alpha Gals to provide them with a plan on which they could execute to take their organization to the next level.


Owners Candace Matthis and Debbie Nichols aimed to position themselves as the most dedicated, positive, informative, and joyous resource for individuals living with Alpha-gal Syndrome and their support network, but didn’t know where or how to start expanding their reach. Marketing tactics Candice and Debbie tried in the past weren’t working to build their business, causing them uncertainty, anxiety, and stress.

Two Alpha Gals needed guidance from a trusted marketing specialist to help them understand what steps should be taken and in what order so they could help reach more people suffering from Alpha-gal Syndrome.


Relish consulted with Two Alpha Gals to develop a thorough understanding of their past and current tactics, the “why” that drives their business, and their goals for the future. Relish took Two Alpha Gals through our Strategy FIRST process to present a clear strategy to help guide their marketing efforts for the following year. This included the following activities:

  • Total Online Presence Audit: We began by conducting a thorough analysis of Two Alpha Gals’ existing online presence. This included examining their website, search engine optimization (SEO), social media channels, and online reputation. We identified areas of improvement and provided actionable recommendations to strengthen their online presence and better target their ideal clients.
  • Competitor Research: Next, we conducted in-depth research on TAG’s marketplace competitors to gain a fuller understanding of their marketing strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. These findings allowed us to identify opportunities for improvements to help to differentiate TAG and capitalize on unique selling points that would resonate with their target audience.
  • Client Interviews: We moved to the next phase of Strategy First and interviewed clients and stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of the problems they face. This information informed the development of a tailored marketing strategy aligned with TAG’s objectives that resonated with their ideal clients.
  • Customer Persona Creation: Based on information gathered from interviews and competitor research, we created detailed customer personas representing Two Alpha Gals’ ideal or target clients. These personas helped guide the creation of targeted messaging and content that effectively engaged and resonated with their target audiences.
  • Core Message and Supporting Description Refinement: Referencing the customer personas we crafted, we created compelling core messages that communicated TAG’s unique value proposition. We also developed supporting descriptions that highlighted the key benefits and features of their offering, resulting in a consistent and persuasive narrative for their marketing efforts.
  • Marketing Hourglass/Buyer’s Journey Map: Leveraging the Marketing Hourglass methodology, we designed a marketing plan that identified activities in each phase of the buyers’ journey – from awareness to brand advocacy. This framework provided a clear roadmap for building effective marketing campaigns and materials that engage potential clients at every stage of the journey and nurture them towards conversion.
  • Strategy Overview: We presented a comprehensive marketing strategy overview that outlined our recommendations for improving their online presence, targeting their ideal clients, and implementing targeted marketing campaigns. This strategy served as a blueprint for their future marketing efforts and provided a clear path towards achieving their business growth goals.
  • Content Marketing Plan: Based on the marketing strategy, we developed a content marketing plan that included a suite of content recommendations – from blog posts and social media outreach, to lead-generation funnels and hub pages. Relish recommended the regular release of content surrounding three themes: Living with Alpha-gal, Cooking with Alpha-gal, and Traveling with Alpha-gal. Opportunities for growth included a revenue-generating program (donations, subscriptions, paid guides, and paid speaker opportunities) and building out of Hubpages on their site. Relish also suggested adjustments to their homepage, including improving their brand story and core messaging, providing social proof and recent updates, and the addition of introduction or project videos. This content would help to establish Two Alpha Gals as a thought leader in their space and provide valuable materials to help clients and potential partners move through the Marketing Hourglass – ultimately driving increased engagement and opportunities for connection.

By implementing the Strategy First process, Relish provided Two Alpha Gals with a bespoke and comprehensive marketing strategy that addressed their unique needs and goals. This approach enabled TAG to effectively target their ideal clients, improve their online presence, and ultimately drive significant business growth.


With the input of Relish Studios, the owners of Two Alpha Gals gained the confidence to push their business to the next level using a marketing strategy designed to optimize their site, drive traffic to their content, and increase revenue through engagement with their programs.

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“Our experience with Relish exceeded our expectations in every way. Stu helped us identify areas of improvement and develop a strategy to expand our reach. From beginning to end, the process was clear and thorough, and the final presentation/deliverable offered a roadmap for growing our business in a meaningful way. Stu was purpose driven, prompt with deadlines, and a joy to work with. We would highly recommend Relish to those looking for personal and intentional marketing solutions.”
– Candice Matthis and Debbie Nichols

Two Alpha Gals homepage