How Content Marketing Can Increase Traffic on Mobile Devices

Generate great mobile content to impress your customers

Google search rankings now have an increased focus on useful content. In addition, a majority of Internet use now takes place on mobile devices. By providing your audience with great content optimized for viewing on every platform (mobile and desktop), you can better your search engine placement, convert more prospects into customers and grow your sales.

Google Search Criteria

The most common way for consumers to research products and services is by conducting a Google search. We’ve all visited the search engine and entered a few keywords to find solutions to our problems, right?

In recent years, Google has made useful content a bigger component of its search ranking formula. As a result, websites that are updated regularly with beneficial content enjoy higher rankings in Google search results. If you sell hiking and biking gear, for example, you should frequently post blogs and articles on outdoor sports. Bonus points for the more relevant and useful the content; the more people who share and link to your content, the better your search engine rankings will be which means an increase in traffic.

Using Content to Convert Prospects into Customers

Posting good content can also help you convert more prospects into customers. Each blog post, for example, can provide an opt-in email collection form. In exchange for an email address, you can send the reader additional content, such as a free e-book or new blog posts that may interest them. People who subscribe to more content are often your best leads.

Another approach is to offer lead magnets, valuable tools you can offer visitors in exchange for their email address. If you own a sporting goods business, your lead magnet may be a list of the best hiking and biking trails in the state or some other useful product that you give away. Lead magnets, also known as content offers, help nuture your leads into customers by providing them with informative material that helps them down the buyer’s journey.

Marketing on Mobile Devices

A majority of Internet usage now takes place on mobile devices. To effectively market to customers and prospects, you need a site that looks great and performs well on smartphones and other mobile gadgets. All the useful content in the world won’t be effective if it’s not easily viewed on a mobile device.

The smartphone in your pocket is the best tool for testing if your site is friendly on mobile. A quick way to test if a website is mobile friendly is to visit it in your desktop web browser and then resize the window — shrink the width down to that of a mobile phone’s width. If the website responds and elements rearrange to fit o the smaller screen, it’s good-to-go. Make sure the text is large enough to read on smaller screens; in addition, it should be easy for website visitors to navigate from one page to the next. For example, many sites optimized for mobile devices have a visible drop-down menu in the top right corner of each page. You can use our free page analyzer to get additional details about how mobile friendly your web pages are.

Your mobile marketing strategy is a key factor in the overall success of your business. By ensuring your content is available on every available mobile platform, you can drive traffic to your website and increase the odds of converting visitors into loyal customers.