Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Goalsetting and Commitment

A motion-blurred runner outdoors, emphasizing speed and fitness training.

In 2010, I ran the Leadville 100, finishing in just under 25 hours (24:42:40.9 to be precise).

This was a multi-year journey that started in 2006 when I decided to take up the challenge of finishing a 100-mile running race.

Some might say that this goal was fairly misguided.

When I first decided to give ultra-running a try, I’d never run a race longer than 5 miles (and that was nearly 20 years prior).

I took up the challenge for three reasons:

  1. I wanted to keep doing something I was enjoying and felt that a big goal would help me stay on track.
  2. I had several friends who had completed the LT100 in the past, so it felt “doable”.
  3. I wanted to try something that fell in that zone of discomfort (both mentally and physically).

So how does all of this apply to business, you may ask?


  1. Latch on to things you enjoy and figure out how to leverage these zones of joy in your business. Sure, you need to show up where your audience goes to gather information and build relationships, but doing so in a place where you actually *enjoy* being yourself will help you show up with authenticity and enthusiasm.
  2. If you are the smartest, most successful person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. Surround yourself with people who make hard stuff seem doable and you’ll soon find yourself accomplishing more than you ever expected you could.
  3. Get committed to goals that lie beyond your comfort zone. If you have 100% confidence you can make it happen, you haven’t pushed far enough. You should know that what you are trying to accomplish is *possible* but is not entirely *probable*. Then get committed to exploring how to make that happen.

What big goals can you start working on today? Let us know by giving us a shout and reach out if you need some help.