Crafting Core Values

Stu on a mountain bike

When was the last time you thought about your core values (either personal or business)?

While discussing what makes us tick the other day with Jeff Kinsey, he very succinctly articulated Relish’s set of core values: Altruism, Connection, and Collaboration (with a dash of Thirst for Learning tossed in).

Knowing that Bret and I have articulated what fuels our fire so well that Jeff could summarize it for us was refreshing. It’s important to know that we aren’t just vocalizing what we *think* our values are, but that we are living them in such a way that others can see them reflected in our actions.

If you haven’t explored your core values in a while (or ever), it’s a good idea to revisit them on a regular basis. Do the values you have chosen still inform your mission? Do they resonate with you and your team? Can your team embrace the values you have identified?

If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, give us a shout and we can work together to fine-tune your values. They are the foundation on which everything else builds.

The first conversation’s on me.

Ready to refine your core values and strengthen your foundation? Get started by dropping us a line for a complimentary consultation and let’s align your values with your mission.