Business Opportunity Leads – How to Get Your Pipeline Running

Business Opportunity Leads

Does this sound familiar? You need a full sales pipeline, but traditional marketing methods are leaving you scrambling from lead to lead. Well help is on the way! Inbound marketing generates business opportunity leads by creating interest and bringing potential customers to your website instead of using costly outbound advertising tactics. Inbound marketing turns visitors into business opportunity leads through informative content, enticing content offers and automated lead nurturing workflows. Sound good? Then read on.

Great Content

The Content Marketing Institute found 85 percent of B2B marketers use content marketing for lead generation. Using inbound methods, you can populate your blog, website, and content hubs with relevant, educational content. Often, these articles will cover frequently asked questions from your customers, share use cases for your products, and provide helpful industry information and insight. While some business opportunity leads discover this content through search engines, you don’t want to skimp on content distribution and promotion. Broadcast your content through your social channels, incorporate it into your email/newsletter, and talk about it in industry-specific communities. For the biggest bump, you should post your materials where your leads congregate to get their eyes on your content.

Enticing Offers

Your leads need solutions for their problems, so it’s time to provide benefit to your audience by proving your prowess with enticing content offers. Your articles and blog posts help drive leads to your site, then white papers, planners, case studies, and similar free content provides in-depth explanations on how your service benefits your leads.

Use call-to-action buttons throughout your website to direct leads into digging deeper. These call-to-action buttons take leads to a landing page form to fill out. Once they complete the form, leads are directed to a content download or content page. Now that you’ve captured their contact information, you can add them to your marketing automation software.

Marketing Automation

You can nurture your leads by sending additional relevant content offers directly to their email. Valuable newsletters, online courses related to your services, event notifications, service highlights and other content helps build your relationship. You can also gain deeper insight into their pain points and needs as they interact with your content. Once they meet your business opportunity requirements, they’re switched from potential lead to a qualified lead. Your sales staff steps in at this point to lead them deeper down the sales pipeline to convert them from leads to customers.

Inbound marketing is designed to generate business leads without the high costs associated with other digital marketing efforts. Want to incorporate inbound marketing into your lead generation strategies? Read Inbound Marketing 101: What is Inbound? to find out more about bringing leads to you, instead of chasing them across the Internet.