Save Time and Money with this AI Marketing Tool

A hand holding up a clear, unlit light bulb against a sky background.

After much hard work, Bret finished our first release of our new, marketing tool, the Online Brand Manager. If you are looking for ways to improve your marketing, get new ideas for growing your business, and save yourself and your team a lot of time, check this out.

It’s a marketing ideation tool that speeds up your brainstorming process by leveraging Chat GPT. Where other tools require you to be a wizard with writing prompts and force you to input your “seed” information over and over, the Online Brand Manager allows you to set up your profiles once and then reference them over and over. Plus, it comes with dozens of pre-built scripts you can use to get your marketing ideation flowing smoothly.

This tool saves you countless hours of frustration by helping you get the ball rolling and come up with great ideas for your marketing, help develop personas, ideate blog and social post titles and outlines, build email marketing scrips and strategies, analyze your site’s SEO, and much, much more.

We’re so excited to bring it to life and know it will help anyone who works in marketing or is tasked with creating messaging shine. Check it out today!