News from Relish

Hola amigos!

It’s been a while since we posted. As part of our engagement plan, we are committing to more regular updates to make sure we are providing more regular tips, trends, and updates to help fuel your growth this year and beyond.

Today’s post is all about some recent updates and changes here at Relish.

Office move

After almost 4 years at our awesome location at Industry Denver, we have moved our offices up to Galvanize in Boulder. Though this move came with some sadness (we loved our space and the community at Industry), our new location better meets one of our core environmental objectives by opening up shorter commutes, the ability to use mass-transit, and have better, non-motorized access to both our office and surrounding amenities. Here is our new information for your records:

Physical Address:

Relish Studio at Galvanize
1023 Walnut St.
Boulder, CO 80302

Mailing address:

Relish Studio
516 S Beaver Creek Rd.
Black Hawk, CO 80422-4557

In case you missed it…

Anabliss merger: We recently merged with Anabliss, a Denver-based firm with a rich, 20+ year track record of developing great branding, collateral, and digital marketing campaigns for a wide range of fantastic clients. This merger adds some really cool capabilities to our list of services and allows us to provide even better tools for our combined client list. We’ll retain the Relish brand name as we move forward with our growing agency.Read more about our merger with Anabliss.

1% for the Planet: We continue to expand our reach in the environmental stewardship space with our commitment to 1% for the Planet movement. Though we have always given back to causes close to our hearts, our continued commitment to this great organization formalizes our giving and ensures that a portion of all our revenue goes toward environmental protection projects around the globe. If you would like to learn more about 1% for the Planet and some of our engagement, click here.

That’s it for today’s installment. Stay tuned for more!