The Return-to-Office Movement

People sitting on a chair and having a meeting

There’s quite a bit of buzz about RTO (Return-to-Office) and remote working on LinkedIn lately. I also seem to be inundated with advertisements for private air travel.

Not sure what’s going on with all of that.

Clearly, the algorithm doesn’t know me very well.

But I digress.

I’m all for remote working, where it’s feasible and makes sense for one’s business.

I also see it as a privilege that not everyone can access.

And I feel very fortunate to be able to work remotely.

Since moving to fully remote working in 2020 (we were flexible before the pandemic, having an office we visited a few times a week), I have saved tens of thousands of dollars each year on commuting costs and office expenses. My carbon footprint is shallow (I think I put 3000 miles on my car last year). And I save at least 90 minutes per day driving to and from the office.

Not everyone has this option, however.

Some of us hold positions that require on-site work.

Some do not live (or can’t afford to or don’t choose to live) close to our places of work.

I was once told, “Live where you work, or live where you play.”

Thirty years ago, I chose the latter.

And now I’m fortunate to have both.

Also, stop showing me ads for Private jets.

That’s not gonna happen.

Have thoughts on the RTO vs. remote work debate? Drop us a line and share your experiences!