Episode 22: Serving People First to Build Supporters Later with Pavel Reppo from A Fine Mind

How are you building relationships with your stakeholders?

My guest today is Pavel Reppo who is the Executive Director of A Fine Mind, a really interesting organization that is helping to bring mental health services to Uganda.

Pavel explained that on top of all the challenges faced by Ugandans, there are only 30 psychiatrists to serve 43 MILLION people in the country. Whoa.

To make matters worse, there is a HUGE social stigma around mental health care in the region making bringing services to those who need it most is a real challenge.

He and his team have come up with a framework to provide mental health support by enlisting and training regular citizens to help. Essentially, they are crowdsourcing mental health care. What a cool idea!

We had a great discussion today and the root of what we chatted about came down to viewing stakeholder engagement as relationship building and coming at marketing for nonprofits as an opportunity to serve others first in order to bring them into the fold as supporters later.

I hope you enjoy the show.



Ask: Give someone you love a hug.