Welcome to the Relish Studio business competitor assessment page. Please fill out the form below and we’ll get started on our in-depth analysis of your business’s main competitors. You’ll be provided an extensive spreadsheet containing estimated traffic and advertising practices for your competitors.
Want a sneak peak?A sample report can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.
What this free competitor analysis report includes
High Level Internet Marketing Health Report:
The estimated organic organic traffic / paid traffic your top 3 competitors.
The total number of keywords they organically rank for on the first ten pages
If they’re running a Google Adwords Search Campaign
SEO Competitive Research:
The keywords your top 3 competitors are currently ranking for on the first ten pages. (limited to first 30,000 keywords)
You’ll know the position they’re in for the keyword
The search volume associated with the keyword
The specific URL of their site that is ranking for the keyword
The value of the keyword (The average CPC)
PPC Competitive Research:
The keywords your top 3 competitors are currently advertising on (limited to first 30,000 keywords)
The position they’re bidding for on average
The search volume for the keywords
The cost per click for the keywords
The ad copy associated with each keyword (Title & Description)
Complimentary Audit:
Provide us the site you’re actively marketing and we’ll provide you with a side by side comparison.
Fill out the form and we’ll get started
Want to see what’s in the competitor analysis report?