6 Months of Keyword-Driven
Content Ideas to Boost Your SEO
and Drive Sales

Get My Content Roadmap Check Out the Sample Content Roadmap

Hey there, content creators and digital marketers! Let’s talk about the not-so-secret ingredient to online success: killer content. We all know it’s important, but let’s face it – coming up with fresh ideas month aer month can feel like trying to squeeze blood from a stone.

That’s where our Content Roadmap service comes in. It’s like GPS for your content strategy, guiding you through six months of SEO-boosting, traic-driving, and sales-supporting content ideas. No more staring at a blank page wondering what to write about next!

What’s a Content Roadmap, You Ask?

Picture this: a custom-tailored plan that gives you six months’ worth of blog post ideas, complete with titles and outlines. But we’re not just pulling these ideas out of thin air. Oh no, we’re basing them on solid keyword research and aligning them with the stages of the Marketing Hourglass (or Buyers’ Journey, if you prefer).

From the “Know” phase right through to “Like, Trust, and Try,” you’re covered with a variety of content ideas at your disposal. It’s all about creating materials that not only rank well but also guide your audience through their buying journey.

The Relish Studio Secret Sauce

Now, you might be wondering, “What makes your Content Roadmap special?”

We’re keyword-focused. We dig deep to find those juicy keywords that’ll help you climb the SEO ladder.

We’re journey experts. We map out content that speaks to your audience at every stage of their buying process.

We’re idea machines. We don’t just give you blog post ideas – we show you how to repurpose that content into videos, social media posts, and more.

What You Get (AKA The Good Stuff)

  • 6 months of keyword-driven blog post ideas
    (that’s 26 weeks of content, folks!)
  • Detailed outlines for each post
    (no more writer’s block!)
  • Keyword strategy for each piece of content
    (hello, happy search engines!)
  • Ideas for repurposing content
    (because why stop at just a blog post?)

Why You Need This
(The Benefits, Baby!)

  • Watch your SEO rankings climb
  • See your organic traffic soar
  • Give your sales team the content ammunition they need to nurture leads
  • Kiss content creation stress goodbye
  • Save time and resources (because your time is money, right?)

How We Work Our Magic


1. Discovery

Provide us with some information by filling out the content roadmap intake form at the bottom of this page.


2. Keyword Research

We hunt down the keywords that’ll make your content shine.


3. Content Planning

We craft a 6-month roadmap that’ll make your competitors green with envy.


4. Delivery

We hand over your custom Content Roadmap (cue the trumpets!).


5. Implementation

You start creating content like a boss!

Ready to Supercharge Your Content Strategy?

Don’t let another day go by wondering what to post next. Get your hands on a Custom Content Roadmap and start fueling your growth today!

Get My Content Roadmap

Is There an Example to Look At? Yes. Yes There Is.

We created a sample Content Roadmap for a fictional digital marketing agency, ACME Digital Marketing. This example contains the same type of content your report will have except yours will be customized for your business industry.

Check Out the Sample Content Roadmap

FAQs (Because We Know You’re Curious)

How long does it take to create a Content Roadmap?

We typically deliver your Custom Content Roadmap within 2-3 weeks of our initial discovery call.

Can I request changes to the Content Roadmap once it's delivered?

Absolutely! We offer one round of revisions to make sure you’re totally happy with your roadmap.

How do I implement the Content Roadmap?

The roadmap includes detailed outlines, so you can either create the content in-house or hire a writer. Need help with that? We have awesome content creators on our team and can write for you!

What if I need help beyond the 6 months?

No problem! We offer roadmap extensions and can even help with ongoing content creation if you need it.

Ready to take your content game to the next level?

Complete the form and we’ll get to work!

Each Content Roadmap is $499. We’ll review your information and make sure we can generate a roadmap for you. Once complete, we’ll collect payment and send you the report.

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